Latest Steam Arrivals from Branchline

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We recently received a delivery into the Bachmann warehouse consisting of a number of Branchline OO scale steam locomotives. Make sure you don’t miss out and contact your local stockist to secure yours now. The locomotives included in the delivery are:

  • 32-083A – Class 56xx Tank No. 6644 BR Green, Late Crest (Weathered)
  • 32-227DS – Class 3F Tank ‘Jinty’ No. 7365 LMS Black (DCC Sound)
  • 32-236 – Class 3F Tank ‘Jinty’ No. 47619 British Railways Black

Class 56xx Tank

Our model of the Class 56xx Tank, No 6644 in BR Green, Late Crest (Weathered), features detailed cab interior, copper capped chimney and sprung buffers.

Above: 32-083A – Class 56xx Tank No. 6644 BR Green, Late Crest (Weathered)

With the grouping of the Railways in 1923, the Great Western Railway absorbed most of the railways companies in South Wales. This area included many coalmines and steelworks that required heavy freight movement. To take on this work, the pre-grouping companies had each developed their own types of freight locomotive, the most popular being the 0-6-2 tank engine. To carry on tradition, the 56xx Class 0-6-2 tank engines were designed by C.B. Collett for the Great Western Railway and were introduced into traffic in 1924. Included in Collett’s innovations were a standard number 2 boiler and a traditional GWR brass safety valve casing and copper-caped chimney.

200 of the class were built at Swindon from 1924 to 1928. The vast majority were sent to work in South Wales and others were allocated to the Bristol, Worcester, Wolverhampton and London areas. Duties consisted mainly of freight work, although the class were often found on passenger trains. The 56xx locomotives passed through nationalisation in 1948 and all remained with British Railways until 1962, at which time withdrawals from service commenced. All had been retied by 1965 with nine locomotives being preserved.

Class 3F Tank ‘Jinty’

Above: 32-227DS – Class 3F Tank ‘Jinty’ No. 7365 LMS Black (DCC Sound)

These highly detailed models of the Class 3F Tank ‘Jinty’ feature a new chassis, sprung buffers and detailed cab interior. Our LMS Black liveried version (32-227DS) also includes factory fitted Sound. As with all of our factory fitted sound models, in both N & OO scale, the sound features on this Jinty locomotive are not only restricted to DCC layouts. A selected range of sound effects will play on an analogue layout bringing a new level of realism to your model railway – whether it’s DCC or analogue controlled. Watch our video below to hear the full range of sounds available when using the model on DCC!

The origins of this design can be traced back to the Midland Railway’s engineer S.W. Johnson. After the formation of the London Midland & Scottish Railway, their own engineer Sir Henry Fowler developed Johnson’s successful Class 2441 design and provided the company with an improved locomotive. A total of 422 Jintys were built between 1924 and 1931. So many were required that the LMS employed sub contractors, such as Vulcan, Bagnall and Hunslet to help with the production orders.

Above: 32-236 – Class 3F Tank ‘Jinty’ No. 47619 British Railways Black

These were versatile locomotives that were at home shunting in stations, yards and exchange sidings as well as on trip workings. They could also be found on passenger services, particularly during LMS days. The design was very successful and the locomotives remained in service until the mid-1950s when new diesel shunters were introduced. The number of locomotives gradually declined with the last of the class withdrawn in 1967. 10 locos have been preserved.
