Woodland Scenics – Just Plug LED Landscape Lights

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New from Woodland Scenics is Just Plug LED Landscape Lights which are an easy way to shed some light on important features on your layout. There are two types of Landscape lights available – Floodlights and Spotlights.

Light up your Layout with Just Plug LED Landscape Lights

Use Just Plug Spotlights to cast a narrow beam of light to highlight building columns, signs, flags or monuments. Available in Small (WJP5956) or Large (WJP5957).

Spotlights are available in Large (WJP5957) & Small (WJP5956) – Each pack contains two lights

Just Plug Spotlights include two lights per package. They are ready to plug into one port on the Just Plug Light Hub. Just Plug and you’re done!

Just Plug Floodlights are perfect for illuminating large features like buildings. Use Spotlights to bring attention to monuments, building columns and more.

Floodlights (WJP5958)

Use Just Plug Floodlights (WJP5958) to cast a broad beam of light for illuminating buildings, landmarks and other large areas. Just Plug Floodlights include two lights per package.

The below video shows you how to make the most of your layout with Just Plug LED Landscape Lights

Available soon from your local Woodland Scenics stockist
