Tag: New Tooling

POT Off the Press! – Graham Farish Reveals New POT Coach at The International N Gauge Show

The International N Gauge Show (TINGS) is a highlight of the exhibition calendar for many N Scale enthusiasts and Bachmann Europe Plc today (Saturday 14th September) selected the 2024 event as the location for its next Graham Farish New Tooling Announcement, unveiling brand new models of the BR Mk1 POT Post Office Tender (Stowage Van) in N Scale. You can...

British Railway Announcements | Summer 2023

The start of May means that it’s time for our Summer British Railway Announcements and all was revealed on Wednesday 3rd May 2023. The largest offering of new products via a single British Railway Announcements to date, the Summer collection showcases new models in N, OO and O scale, all of which are scheduled for release in the coming months.

British Railway Announcements | Spring 2023

Today (1st February 2023) saw the launch of our first new products for 2023 with the Spring British Railway Announcements. Following a bumper year in 2022, which saw twelve major projects completed and delivered to retailers, and a total of more than 400 new items released in our British-outline railway ranges, today’s British Railway Announcements is Bachmann’s biggest yet, with some 111 new items unveiled and confirmed for delivery to Bachmann stockists in the coming months.