New Liveries – OO9 Narrow Gauge
Following on from our our New OO9 Tooling Announcements, we are delighted to be able to share with you the new liveries we have planned for our 2019 range.

Our award winning range of OO9 scale Narrow Gauge models continues to expand this year, with the Baldwin 10-12-D locomotive appearing in a number of attractive liveries.

Each ‘Baldwin’ comes pre-fitted with a speaker for sound decoder installation, but for those looking for sound straight from the box we’ve added a SOUND FITTED version to the 2019 range which is sure to bring an extra dimension to any layout – whether it’s controlled by DCC or a traditional analogue system.

The SOUND FITTED model carries the lined maroon livery of the Welsh Highland Railway – a real favourite of our Research & Development team following the meticulous research they undertook to confirm the authenticity of this livery.

‘Sid’, carrying the attractive Maunsell green livery, leads the way in our collection of Southern Railway-inspired models and, combined with our SR liveried wagons, you can form a complete train.
We also have a selection of new liveries for our OO9 wagons enabling you to add variety to your Narrow Gauge trains – whether you’re recreating wartime operations or looking for the perfect train for ‘Sid’ to haul.



For details of our full OO9 Narrow Gauge range for 2019 pick up one of our Branchline catalogues which is packed full of the latest products and announcements, making it a must-have guide for modellers and collectors alike. Pick up your copy from your local Bachmann stocks today. Find your nearest Bachmann stockist here.

both of which are available from your local retailer.
We’ll be taking a look at some of our other 2019 announcements over the coming weeks, so be sure to visit the Bachmann website regularly for more product previews!