Product Highlight: OO and N Scale HRA Bogie Hopper Wagons

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Product Highlight: OO and N Scale Bogie Hopper Wagons

The end of 2023 saw the release of the HRA Bogie Hopper Wagon for the Graham Farish range of N Scale models. The same wagon will soon be arriving in OO Scale as part of the Bachmann Branchline range, so now is the perfect time to look at these models in both scales.

There are four HRA Bogie Hopper Wagons available for each scale. They are all decorated in the pristine red livery of DB Cargo, with logos, safety warnings, instructions and TOPS information in white. Each wagon features several detailed parts including weld lines midway near the centre, handwheels at one end and pipes above the solebar. On the underside of the wagon, there are hopper doors along with detailed swing-motion bogies and metal wheels. The models also share the following features in both scales:

  • Accessory Pack
  • NEM Coupling Pockets
37-865 OO Scale HRA Bogie Hopper DB Cargo
OO Scale
373-865 N Scale HRA Bogie Hopper DB Cargo
N Scale

In both scales, these wagons include optional buffers that allow them to be used as “inner” or “outer” wagons. The OO wagons are factory fitted with buckeye couplings, but also include replacement couplings that can be fitted to allow the wagons to be coupled up to other rolling stock that use standard tension lock couplings.

The HRA wagons were originally built in 2001 as HTA Bogie Hopper Wagons which were used to carry coal. As the need to transport coal was reduced, the HTA wagons were repurposed to carry stone. However, it was not possible to fill the HTA wagons with the heavier stone without them becoming overweight. In order to solve this inefficiency, 110 HTA wagons had a middle hopper bay removed in 2017. This created the HRA Bogie Hopper Wagons as they exist today and allowed for the same amount of stone to be carried using shorter trains than would have been necessary with the original HTA wagons. 

HRA Bogie Hopper DB Cargo

37-865C OO Scale HRA Bogie Hopper DB Cargo
OO Scale
373-865C OO Scale HRA Bogie Hopper DB Cargo
N Scale
Running NumberOO ScaleN Scale
41 70 6723 062-937-865373-865
41 70 6723 073-637-865A373-865A
41 70 6723 036-337-865B373-865B
41 70 6723 101-537-865C373-865C



The N scale wagons are already available from retailers and the OO scale wagons are currently expected to arrive over the next few months, so head to the Bachmann Europe website where you can find more information. Once you’ve selected your models, get in touch with your nearest retailer to order yours! 

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Your nearest retailer can be found by using the Retailers page on our website, which can be accessed either from the menu at the top of the page or by clicking on the button below.


