The Great Model Railway Challenge on TVs Soon!

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On Friday 5th October 2018, Channel 5 will launch a new six-part program called ‘The Great Model Railway Challenge’. The series will see teams of railway modellers compete to create layouts against the clock. Watch the short teaser video below!

In each challenging episode the teams will explore a theme and have to interpret it in the most exciting and unexpected ways possible. Helping judge these layouts will be professional modellers who also share the passion for the model world.

Every episode will culminate in a classic ‘reveal’ of these created worlds, before having their supersized model railways scrutinised by the judges. At the end of the six weeks, during which the scale and ambition of the builds will be ramped up week by week, the victorious teams will be crowned “Britain’s Best Railway Modellers”.

Make sure you tune in (or set record) at 8:00pm for the next six Fridays to not miss out! 
