A Look inside the Bachmann Times | Spring 2020

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The latest edition of the Bachmann Times, the official magazine of the Bachmann Collectors Club, has been distributed to our members. This issue features a wide selection of topics including our Works Report and all-new ‘British Railway Announcements’ supplement!

Bachmann Branchline J72 69023 ‘Joem’ Lined Green NER logos & BR Late Crests (31-060K)

The latest Limited Edition model to arrive from the Bachmann Collectors Club is the OO scale J72 0-6-0T No. 69023 ‘Joem’ in Lined Green livery with NER logos and BR Late Crests (31-060K). The only survivor of this once 113-strong class, No. 69023 was built by BR at Darlington in April 1951 and allocated to Blaydon depot where it remained until October 1962 when it moved the short distance to Gateshead. In October 1964 it was transferred to Departmental Service stock and renumbered to No.59. In departmental service it was used at Blyth Harbour Staithes and to de-ice points in Tyne Yard. After a period in store, No. 59 was sold in September 1966 and entered preservation, its time in departmental use having ensured its survival.

Bachmann Collectors Club members can order theirs now by calling the Club office on 01455 245565. This item is also available through our Collectors Club website along with our full range of exclusive models.

Our New ‘British Railway Announcements’ supplement ensures that our valued club members are the first to hear about new releases for our Bachmann Branchline, Graham Farish and Scenecraft ranges. The Spring 2020 edition includes 20 brand new items and what’s more, these products are in stock now, or are on their way to us, so they’ll be available from your Bachmann stockist within the next three months.

The video below previews a selection of topics which are covered in this edition of the Bachmann Times…

If you like what you see and would like to start receiving the Bachmann Times, you can sign up now on the Club website! Membership also gives you the opportunity to purchase special limited edition models, like the J72, which are available exclusively to our club members, along with the following benefits:

  • Quarterly copies of the ‘Bachmann Times’ magazine 
  • Quarterly editions of the ‘British Railway Announcements’ supplement, contained in the ‘Bachmann Times’
  • First to receive our ‘Combined Volume’ catalogue
  • A personalised membership card
  • A FREE annual club wagon (in your chosen scale)
  • A full colour Calendar
  • The chance to attend our free annual ‘Members Day’
  • Access to our club lounge, at selected events

Those with more of an interest in modelling the British road scene are also catered for with our Exclusive First Editions membership package! By joining the Bachmann Collectors Club as an EFE member you will get all of the same great benefits of club membership but with a free EFE model (from a selection of 9) instead of the annual club wagon.

Prices for membership are as follows:

  • £32 for UK single (OO or N scale) membership
  • £44 for UK double (OO and N scale) membership
  • £41 for non-UK single (OO or N) scale membership
  • £57 for non-UK double (OO and N) scale membership

For more information on the Collectors Club or to sign up today, visit our official website.
