Closer Look – LMS 8F with SOUND FITTED
It’s time for a closer look at (or should that be ‘listen to’) the array of sound functions available in our latest Collectors Club exclusive model, the SOUND FITTED Graham Farish 8F in LMS Lined Crimson livery (372-160KSF).
Both versions of this model (372-160K & 372-160KSF) are scheduled to arrive with us in October 2020. Bachmann Collectors Club members can pre-order theirs today by calling the Club on 01455 245565. If your are not already a member, CLICK HERE to see the wealth of benefits you will receive by signing up today!
Also set to arrive in October are our main range Graham Farish LMS 8F models which are available to pre-order from your local Bachmann Stockist now!
We also offer SOUND FITTED in our main range too with 372-163DS, our BR Black (Late Crest) liveried model which has all of the same sound functions and features as our club model above, and will also operate automated sounds on a DC track!
Spanning an array of eras and liveries, these newly tooled models are sure to please when running freight on any N scale layout.
Getting back to a New Normal
Retailers have been given the go-ahead to re-open from 15th June, with new rules and regulations to be in place. If you want to find your nearest retailer go to this part of our website: Find a Retailer
You can then search by postcode / county / country / shop name in the search bar at the top of the list. Please contact your chosen retailer to confirm their opening arrangements before travelling.