Product Preview: N Scale LNER V2 Class

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Product Preview: N Scale LNER V2 Class

It’s been over 20 years since the N Scale models of the London and North Eastern Railway V2 Class were first produced by Graham Farish, and so it’s time for a new version of this locomotive to return to the range. These upcoming models of ‘the engines that won the war’ have been produced using all new tooling in order to ensure that they reach the high standards of detail that you would expect of a modern model from this range of masterpieces in miniature. 

The locomotive features a high-precision injection moulded body with several separately fitted details parts such as lower front lamp irons, lubricators, reverser and sandbox fillers, along with metal components including handrails, lifting eyes, buffers and sand pipes. The cab features a detailed interior with decorated controls including boiler backhead and gauges, driver’s and fireman’s seats, brake standard and water scoop standard.

More information about the history of the LNER V2 Class and the new tooling for these models can be seen in the above YouTube video.

Below the running plate, the locomotives feature a sprung pony truck at the front and a Cartazzi truck with flanged wheels that can move from side to side underneath the cab at the rear. Their tenders have a metal coal-effect load and are equipped with a hinged and posable metal fall plate in the area between the tender and locomotive. A water scoop, tank filler, cylinder and rear lamp iron are also added to the tender as separately fitted parts. These models also all share the following features:

372-611 - LNER V2 4843 'Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry' LNER Lined Green Side View
372-614 - LNER V2 60847 'St Peter's School' BR Lined Green (Late Crest) Side View
372-610 - LNER V2 4791 LNER Lined Green (Original) Rear View.jpg
372-613 - LNER V2 60964 'Durham Light Infantry' BR Lined Green (Late Crest) Top View
  • Coreless motor with flywheel
  • Equipped with a Next18 DCC Decoder Socket – Recommend Decoder item No. 36-567A
  • Electrical pickup from all driving and tender wheels with separate metal bearings fitted to each driving wheel axle and metal bearings fitted to each tender wheel axle
  • Diecast metal chassis block
  • Coupling pocket to NEM355 standards fitted to the front pony truck and removable coupling pocket to NEM355 standards fitted to the tender chassis
  • Speaker installed in the tender of all models for optimum sound reproduction
  • Optional traction tyres fitted to the rear driving wheels (replacement wheelset without traction tyres supplied in the accessory pack)
  • Discreet fixed locomotive to tender drawbar with integral electrical connections
  • Named locomotives are supplied with pre-fitted, fully decorated nameplates
  • Each model supplied with a full set of accessory parts including dummy coupling hooks, coupling bash plate, guard irons, cylinder drain cocks, and cab & tender door

There are also SOUND FITTED versions of each model. These versions are fitted with a Zimo MS590N18 DCC Sound Decoder that has been pre-programmed with an exclusive sound project containing over 25 functions. The SOUND FITTED locomotives may also be used on most Analogue (DC) layouts, where they will play normal load running sounds as well as other automatic or randomised sounds when power is applied.

The LNER V2 Class locomotive was designed in the mid-1930s by Sir Nigel Gresley for mixed-traffic work, including high-speed freight services. Over 180 locomotives built between 1936 and 1944. Their successful hauling of heavy trains of goods, people, mail, parcels, troops and munitions at speed during the second world war led to them becoming known as ‘the engines that won the war’. After the war, the V2 locomotives returned to express freight and passenger services, until they were withdrawn in the 1960s. The first to be built, No. 4771 ‘Green Arrow’, was preserved and can currently be seen at the Danum Gallery, Library and Museum’s Rail Heritage Centre in Doncaster.

372-610(SF) – LNER V2 4791 LNER Lined Green (Original)

Our first locomotive is LNER V2 Class No. 4791 in the LNER’s original Lined Green livery. This locomotive has the original ‘Monobloc’ style of cylinder casing with inside steam pipes, an LNER smokebox door that has the lower top lamp bracket and does not feature a number plate. The tender has a high-front/low-rear coal space divider.

372-610(SF) - LNER V2 4791 LNER Lined Green (Original)
EraNumberLiveryStandardSOUND FITTED
54791LNER Lined Green (Original)372610372‑610SF

372-611(SF) – LNER V2 4843 ‘Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry’ LNER Lined Green

372-611(SF) - LNER V2 4843 'Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry' LNER Lined Green

Our next LNER V2 Class locomotive is No. 4843 which is decorated in LNER Lined Green and has been named ‘King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry’. As with the previous model, this locomotive also features the ‘Monobloc’ cylinder casing and inside steam pipes,  LNER smokebox door with lower top lamp bracket and tender with a high-front/low-rear coal space divider. However, there are also pre-fitted, fully decorated nameplates.

EraNumberNameLiveryStandardSOUND FITTED
54843‘Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry’LNER Lined Green372‑611372‑611SF

372-612(SF) – LNER V2 60845 BR Lined Black (Early Emblem)

The third LNER V2 Class model is No. 60845, which is decorated in British Railways’ Lined Black livery with the early BR emblem. This locomotive has a BR style smokebox door, which has had the top lamp bracket raised to a higher position in order to allow for a number plate. The cylinder casing features the original ‘Monobloc’ design with inner steam pipes and the tender features the original coal space divider with a high front and low rear. 

372-612(SF) - LNER V2 60845 BR Lined Black (Early Emblem)
EraNumberLiveryStandardSOUND FITTED
460845BR Lined Black (Early Emblem)372‑612372‑612SF

372-613(SF) – LNER V2 60964 ‘Durham Light Infantry’ BR Lined Green (Late Crest)

372-613 - LNER V2 60964 'Durham Light Infantry' BR Lined Green (Late Crest)

The penultimate LNER V2 class locomotive is No. 60964, which has been named ‘Durham Light Infantry’ and is decorated in BR Lined Green with the late BR crest. This locomotive still has the original ‘Monobloc’ cylinder casing but features the BR smokebox door with the number plate and higher top lamp bracket and pre-fitted name plates. The tender now has a high-front/high-rear coal space divider

EraNumberNameLiveryStandardSOUND FITTED
560964‘Durham Light Infantry’BR Lined Green (Late Crest)372‑613372‑613SF

372-614(SF) – LNER V2 60847 ‘St Peter’s School’ BR Lined Green (Late Crest)

The final LNER V2 Class locomotive model is No. 60847, which is named ‘St Peter’s School’ and is decorated in BR’s Lined Green livery with late crest. This locomotive has the newer style of cylinder casing with separated cylinders and outside steam pipes, and also features the BR style smokebox door and pre-fitted name plates. The tender features the high-front/high-rear coal space divider.

372-614 - LNER V2 60847 'St Peter's School' BR Lined Green (Late Crest)
EraNumberNameLiveryStandardSOUND FITTED
560847‘St Peter’s School’BR Lined Green (Late Crest)372‑614372‑614SF

These models are currently expected to arrive with Bachmann retailers in November, so head to the Bachmann Europe website where you can find more information about the full range. Once you’ve selected your models, get in touch with your nearest retailer to order yours

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