Latest Arrivals – Birdcage Coaches Roll In

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374-910 – SE&CR 60ft Birdcage 3-Coach Pack SE&CR Wellington Brown (Brake Composite Lavatory, Composite Lavatory & Brake Third)

We are pleased to announce that all of our Graham Farish N Scale Birdcage coaches have now been released and are arriving with Bachmann stockists.

374-911 – SE&CR 60ft Birdcage 3-Coach Pack SR Maunsell Green (Brake Third Lavatory, Composite Lavatory & Brake Third)

With a wealth of fine detailing, including roof variations for all eras modelled, NEM couplings and additional accessory packs, our SE&CR Birdcage coaches are decorated in three authentic liveries spanning multiple eras; SE&CR Wellington Brown (374-910),  SR Maunsell Green  (374-911) and BR Crimson (374-912). Coupled with our upcoming N and C Class Locomotives, they will create the perfect train for any N Scale Southern Region layout!

374-912 – SE&CR 60ft Birdcage 3-Coach Pack BR Crimson (Brake Third Lavatory, Composite Lavatory & Brake Third)


  • Flush glazing
  • NEM couplings
  • Accessory pack
  • Extra battery box & dynamo fitted to later variants
  • Saloon variations modelled
  • Accurate tooling for era modelled, with roof conduit pipes (for Era 2 models) & two types of roof ventilator

Our N Scale SE&CR 60ft Birdcage 3-Coach Packs are sure to make an attractive addition to your layout. Order your set today from your local Bachmann Stockist!
