New Arrivals – N Scale
Our next shipment of Bachmann Branchline and Graham Farish models is set to arrive with us this week, following hot on the heels of our latest Scenecraft delivery, meaning that all of the models listed below will be arriving with your local Bachmann Stockist very soon!
To see our OO Scale arrivals CLICK HERE
Graham Farish models arriving in September

First up we have our Class 47s in N Scale, all of these models features directional lighting and NEM couplings and are equipped with a 6 Pin DCC decoder socket.

Along with the Class 47s, we have three Class 170s coming into stock; South West Trains livery (371-427A), London Midland livery (371-432A) and in the charming Cross Country livery (371-431A), all of which will make great additions to a modern era layout!

We also have a selection of rolling stock about to hit the shops, first up are our N scale TSO and FO Mk2F coaches in Inter-City Blue and Grey.

Also, these colourful HKA bogie Hopper wagons will make a striking rake behind any haulage carrying locomotive!

N Scale Scenecraft models arriving in September

Announced as part of our British Railway Announcements for Autumn and arriving with your local Bachmann retailer very soon!

First up are these highly detailed N scale Engine Sheds, with a wooden and a stone version to pick from they will look just the thing on any steam era layout!

42-0002 – Stone Engine Shed with Tank
42-0029 – Wooden Engine Shed
Next we have this charming industrial collection in the form of the Industrial Gate House (42-0086), Industrial Yard Office (42-0087) and the Industrial Store & Canopy (42-0088) and to top it of there is our Round Boiler House Chimney (42-0063) too!

42-0063 – Round Bolier House Chimney
42-0088 – Industrial Store and Canopy
42-0086 – Industrial Gate House
42-0087 – Industrial Yard Office
We round up with a collection of smaller additions to be added to your layout to give an extra level of depth and detail!
Loco Lifting Jacks (42-042) are a welcome entry into the N scale range along with a Telecommunication Cabin (42-0109), now an everyday sight alongside railway lines up and down the UK.
Also, the Iconic and colourful Roadside Rescue Phone Boxes (42-585) are now available in N scale too along with our previously announced Victorian Walls (42-565) which are sure to be useful on any layout.

42-042 – Lifting Jacks (x4) / 42-585 – Roadside Rescue Phone Boxes
42-0109 – Telecommunications Cabin / 42-565 – 6ft Victorian Wall Sections
Order today from Your Local Bachmann Retailer!
All of the above is available to order from your local Bachmann Retailer today. Bachmann Retailers were given the go-ahead to re-open from 15th June, with new rules and regulations to be in place. If you want to find your nearest retailer go to this part of our website: Find a Retailer
You can then search by postcode / county / country / shop name in the search bar at the top of the list. Please contact your chosen retailer to confirm their opening arrangements before travelling.
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